Cafe Coyote w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneCafe Coyote



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2461, San Diego Avenue, 92110, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-291-4695
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.752253, Longitude: -117.19423

komentarze 5

  • Bill Weir

    Bill Weir


    The food here is wonderful. But what I really loved was the manager, Debbie, who came by and chatted with us. When my wife asked where there was pharmacy to get hair product Debbie personally walked down to the nearby five and dime to get some. We love you and your restaurant Debbie! How Can you NOT go to a place where people care about their patrons like this?

  • en

    Dawn Schlaberg


    My husband and I came to dinner here for our birthday weekend. This is our ABSOLUTE FAVORITE restaurant to come to. We arrived Thursday evening to a usual wonderful dinner and atmosphere. The Tequila Lime Shrimp is really delicious and in 15 years we've never been disappointed. The customer service is and has been always great. I would like to give a shout out to Kailynn, and Maya. Our waitresses(Thursday and Friday). You were courteous, friendly and obliging. On Saturday morning, we tried out breakfast as we weren't previously aware that they served breakfast. Again, excellent breakfast as all our other meals. Julio, our waiter, was very friendly and made us feel very welcome. A GREAT PLACE TO COME ALL DAY AND NIGHT. GREAT JOB CAFE COYOTE! THANKS FOR A GOOD 51ST BIRTHDAY.

  • Sourav Banerjee

    Sourav Banerjee


    Loved the food. Very friendly staffs, they customize the food as you need. The handmade tortillas are just fabulous. We sat outside and it was nice to see artists playing guitar for you. I had their veggie bowl custom made in vegan style and it was really good.

  • Anthony Olivares

    Anthony Olivares


    I love the Mexican Food here. Great authentic taste, and freshly made tortillas (which can be purchased separately from the lady making them at Cafe Coyote). They have a full bar, and lunch specials. Would recommend to the local San Diego community and the out of town visitor. Make sure you stop at this location for some great food and friendly staff. Before you leave make sure to use the FREE PICTURE machine located on the side of the restaurant to capture your trip to Cafe Coyote. Enjoy!

  • Deanna



    This place is in a great location in Old Town San Diego. Deliscous fresh flour tortillas made in front of you. Service and atmosphere were good... food and margaritas were good. Wasn't totally sold on my dish, but my boyfriend enjoyed his. Will definitely be back to try something else.

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