Cafe Ah-Roma w Cleveland

Stany ZjednoczoneCafe Ah-Roma



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2230, Euclid Avenue, 44115, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 216-771-8700
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.5016154, Longitude: -81.6741093

komentarze 5

  • Tamara Harris

    Tamara Harris


    I really enjoy the calm atmosphere and great service. The only coffee drink that I like is Cafe mocha and it's been hard to find a good one. The Cafe mocha here is very good. They also have food which is good also. Try a Danish or wrap you will like it as well!

  • Marlena Noland Reickman

    Marlena Noland Reickman


    Specialty drink was good and a unique combo of flavors that had a lot of choices of coffee and tea. I'd say this place is great if you just want coffee/tea and a nice study atmosphere. Their food, though, is sad. I ordered their "specialty" lentils and rice with veggies. They labeled it as "zesty." This item had 0 salt or spice in it. And I mean literally 0. The cucumber on the side and provolone cheese clumps had more zest. It was easier to eat with the salad dressing they gave you on the side and the salt shaker offered but still depressing. Big difference between healthy foods and flavorless food. Flavor and health don't have to be mutually exclusive, y'all. They can exist together.

  • Cynthia Ries

    Cynthia Ries


    Cute and yummy coffee shop across from CSU in Trinity Commons, with a variety of hot and cold beverages, delicious soups, and creative sandwiches. I love their chicken salad and smoked turkey sandwiches. Local artists showcased on walls, and comfy chairs with games to play make this a comfortable place to chill. Affordable prices, too!

  • Brandon Morrison

    Brandon Morrison


    Quiet place to study and have a bite to eat. I had a sausage, egg and cheese croissant and coffee. Coffee wasn’t that great but I’m also not a coffee person. I loved the atmosphere and from what I can tell not too busy. Parking is limited and it is on a college campus.

  • Josie Mayle

    Josie Mayle


    I come here frequently and I promise there are no praises in this world high enough for the lovely people who work here. They're so good to me every time I come in; I always look forward to the welcoming atmosphere. Staff looks genuinely happy to be here, and you just don't see that often anymore. Must say something about management!

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