C & F shoe repair en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosC & F shoe repair



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1, Civic Center Plaza, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-471-7298
sitio web: cfshoerepair.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.704219, Longitude: -73.928262

comentarios 5

  • Kyle Kuciemba

    Kyle Kuciemba


    I had a pair of shoes repaired here. It took longer then expected due to the owners injury, I didn't mind the wait. He was A little more expensive then other shops I have used, but so far the work is holding up well.

  • Joseph Polimino

    Joseph Polimino


    Quoted $85 to resole a pair of dress shoes. Seemed high, but as replacing them would cost over $100 I agreed. The guy at the store told me it would take "weeks" to fix them. I told the guy I would just buy a new pair of shoes because I am a waiter, and could not be without dress shoes for more than a few days (I was stuck wearing a back up pair that are very uncomfortable). He told me he would get it done "by tuesday" (3 days), and took $85 in cash from me. On Tuesday, C & F calls me to tell me that the repair would would be delayed until Thursday. I was frustrated, but as it was only 2 more days I agreed to wait, and continued to work in uncomfortable shoes while I did so. On Friday (they did not contact me on Thursday) they called to tell me that it would be another week or more because the guy they employ to actually do repairs was out of the office. I went back and got my shoes and money back. I'll never give these people another dollar or minute of my time. Don't do business with C & F. You'll be very disappointed in their service.

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    Bobby Arcoleo


    My wife had a bought a pair of leather boots that were too large in the calf and loved them so much she brought them here to see if he could take them in...well he did and they fit so perfectly, she is beyond happy! The man is a true artist! Will definitely go back again if we have any needs in the future

  • Anna Correa

    Anna Correa


    Went to this story hoping to get shoes repaired, when we first arrived to the store it was closed at a time when they were advertised as open. the second time we went we were told that the shoes would be done in a few days so we paid in cash... we were strung along for 2 weeks being told that it was going to take longer. Finally, we said we were picking them up only to find out that the repair man was out of town for the next week or more... We would have been happy if we were told the truth from the get go and were not lied to constantly.

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    Colin Spink


    Brought my 700 dollar cole haan shoes for a 100 dollar resole (highest around). Upon first time trying on, brought back to have the spikes inside my foot... when i returned home with them, i began noticing the many slices (razor blade?).... some of the slices along the stitching are now seperating 1 day later. The sole he added has chunks eaten out as big as a dime with shoe goo filling in the spaces ( looks very poor). Overall, these beautiful shoes that i have had for years are now garbage..... i tried to call and speak about it, and was told post whatever you want...... and he really didnt seem to care to hear about my situation. Thanks guys. Better business bureau is my next call. To respond to the owner who got back to me: First of all... you were a very nice man also. It is unfortunate that we end up here. I'm glad we can both acknowledge that and be civil. Back when cole haan made awesome shoes, with finer craftsmanship (not the ones made in mexico, sold in outlets for a fraction)... they sure were that expensive, i think mine were actually more like 650. There were other styles over 1,ooo too. Ive seen "slippers" over 300 in their 5th ave location. These days, even the 400 dollar wing tips on their site look like trash. They mostly thrive as an online retailer selling poor quality 100 dollar(ish) import throwaways now. The 95 you charged me included that metal slab you nailed into my shoe, which hooked on everything and fell out immediately.... so.....thanks. That is all irrelevant! ... i think you were careless (intentionally???) with my shoes, maybe because you felt rushed.... since i did call several times throughout the month. ...or maybe your "son" worked on them for a while??? There were gouges, toolmarks, and slices all over... they went through serious trauma (bandsaw accident???); i just wish the stitches weren't cut. I dont even mind the jagged mismatched belt sander lines around the sole. I no longer have confidence in your ability to repair the fine stitching on these though, I've seen your delicate work. Also.... you claim i spoke harshly to your son..... i actually had no idea i was speaking to a child, when i called your business. I disagree, i was not being treated with respect... and was pretty offended. Maybe you should have someone more responsible answering the phone, he treated me like my issue meant nothing. I also wish i was able to speak with you first, i can imagine you are more experienced with speaking to unhappy customers. I loved those shoes.... they've been with me my entire adult life, and would have lasted that long still, several times again. You have taken a piece of my heart, and it is absolutely not replaceable.... not easily repairable... and a refund wouldn't bring them back. They are falling apart now... maybe one day, i will find a leatherworker who can work magic... but duct tape and shoe goo just won't do. What did you think you could possibly do to resolve this now???

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