Burger Shoppe w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneBurger Shoppe



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3423, West Thomas Road, 85017, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-272-4171
strona internetowej: www.burgershoppeaz.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4802413, Longitude: -112.1333093

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kevin Garcia


    TWO quarter pound burgers for $5! I have been coming to this Burger Shoppe since high school. I've seen 2 franchises come and go... Very fast service, pleasant employees. I have never had a bad experience here. Professional.

  • Leslie Patron

    Leslie Patron


    My family and myself really enjoy this place. We only go for burgers but, they do have a variety of food to choose from. They serve breakfast, lunch as well as dinner. The staff is friendly everytime we go. They have high chairs for kids as well as additional chairs for adults. The onion rings are a must have! Its a family friendly place that makes you feel at home. Food always come out perfect and fast. They also have a drive thru, parking is a little small and crowded.

  • Heather Fox

    Heather Fox


    I really enjoy this place. They have a lot of variety to choose from. It's always great getting breakfast, lunch, or dinner here. The only place I can get legit pancakes, sausage and eggs from a drive through. The burgers are great but I like the sandwiches even better. Only reason I'm not giving 5 stars is because service can sometimes be slow or staff can sometimes be short with you. The food is made to order so it will take a bit longer than other fast food places. I think service usually depends on the day and how many staff are on.

  • Michael Reiter

    Michael Reiter


    Go here a few times a month, French toast for breakfast or burger and fries for lunch or dinner. A lot of choices, no frills place. Good food. Definitely recommend checking out

  • en

    Michelle Mumford


    One of the musicians from the gospel group I sing with told my husband about this place at rehearsal. My husband really enjoyed his burger and onion rings. We will be back. They didn't a lot of cussing. But was very nice.

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