Burger Shoppe en Phoenix

Estados UnidosBurger Shoppe



🕗 horarios

151, North 27th Avenue, 85009, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-269-0998
sitio web: www.azburgershoppe.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4505354, Longitude: -112.1172548

comentarios 5

  • en

    Mike Robison


    It has a large menu selection and the food is good prices are a little high but not bad

  • en

    alejandra gonzalez


    Food is good just keep an eye out for additional charges when you substitute or make a request for something there's no heads up, it will just be on your bill. Drive thru wait time is ridiculous and know a days who charges extra to pay with a card? That's right the burger shoppe.

  • Mrs Riz

    Mrs Riz


    Great food , great service and most importantly of all it's fresh . Rating an A that's the best part. I know my food is gonna be cooked right . Who cares about all the other nonsense, people just mad cause they didn't get something for FREE!!!😁😁

  • Craig Rutherford

    Craig Rutherford


    They have the best sandwiches. Pastrami all the way. Those things are so full it's like ordering two meals in one. I've heard people complain about the waiting time, but in my opinion it's well worth it. This place is awesome.

  • en

    Ken H


    Best burger I have had in a long time. A/A+ ratings for inspections, even though it may not appear like it from the neighborhood. Nice staff.

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