Burger King w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneBurger King



🕗 godziny otwarcia

16850, East Iliff Avenue, 80013, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-750-0221
strona internetowej: locations.bk.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6732454, Longitude: -104.7920352

komentarze 5

  • Austin Hawkins

    Austin Hawkins


    UNPLEASANT experience at my visit to Burger King today. The quality of food met and exceeded my expectations, however the SERVICE left much to be desired. The distraught employee that took my order appeared to be under levels of stress never before seen on this Earth. "Elizabeth" as she is known, was busy searching for a target to direct her emotions, leaving only a drained automaton to take my order. Her outlet of choice today seemed to be her poor co workers in the back. I'll be eating at McDonald's next time, already looking forward to service with a smile.

  • en

    Shan McGuire


    My once a year trip to Burger King, was a bit of a shock that Burger King now cost so much. The service was quick I went through the drive-thru got three Whopper meals with cheats three drinks 3 small fries the fries were very fresh and wonderful the burgers were good it was just a bit shocking that it came to almost $25 for 3 people to eat at Burger King.

  • en

    Theo Palmer


    The breakfast croissants are so good and they're two for $4

  • Michael Klima

    Michael Klima


    Always fresh food, and the place is clean. The cashier is always happy and that makes me happy when I get fresh food!

  • Ehron Moats

    Ehron Moats


    The manager was in front of me and my son and she walks into this place and let's the door close on me and my son. I open it and there is another door she closes on us. This place is very unprofessional and will not be returning at all. With a person like that as the BK manager it's amazing she is the person representing this company.

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