Burbank Congregate Living Center w Burbank

Stany ZjednoczoneBurbank Congregate Living Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1100, Leland Way, 91504, Burbank, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 818-859-7106
strona internetowej: congregateliving.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.1873933, Longitude: -118.3207649

komentarze 5

  • Liz Moyer

    Liz Moyer


    I currently have a friend at this facility. TV dinners/food is delivered cold which should be a hot plate. Has a taco bed. Requested a replacement which it is just a little better but still not comfortable. Please review the food delivered to all patients and ensure it is heated properly.

  • Constance Stewart

    Constance Stewart


    Our son came out of the hospital on the brink of slipping away. BCLC brought him back to life...literally. Everyone there is incredibly caring and dedicated. We would recommend BCLC if you have a loved one in need of medical rehabilitation. Our gratitude to them for Gregg's recovery knows no bounds.

  • James Foster

    James Foster


    This place is wonderful. My girlfriend is there and she loves the staff and they take good care of her. Shes doing alot better and starting to walk because of the great physical therapy she is going through. I recommend it if you have a friend or family member you care about.

  • Elsa Dominguez de arguello

    Elsa Dominguez de arguello


    Nice place to work!

  • Leslie Shugart

    Leslie Shugart


    Their brochure talks about their 'state of the art" medical equipment . They have NOTHING state of the art. The hospital bed they kept my dear friend in had a mattress with a huge hole in the middle of it. They had to BORROW a wheel chair for him. They dont even have their own wheelchairs at the facility. The brochure also talks about their medical staff and insinuates that they have doctors on site. After two weeks, my friend still hasnt seen their doctor; hasnt even seen the charge nurse. Another brochure untruth, there is no rehabilitation room, no physical therapist, no occupational therapist. They might have one that comes in a couple of times a month but we never saw them. Basically, your loved one will get parked in their bed with the curtains drawn and forgotten about. Here's the best part. . . the smoke alarms kept beeping and rather than replace the batteries, they just took the smoke alarms down!!

najbliższy Szpital

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