Bungalow 56 w Coronado

Stany ZjednoczoneBungalow 56



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1022, C Avenue, 92118, Coronado, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-537-0236
strona internetowej: www.bungalow56design.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.684952, Longitude: -117.179145

komentarze 5

  • en

    Susan Sutter


    Jessica and Karyn are a true professionals, easy to work with, very responsive to clients' needs and with an excellent design aesthetic. Would highly recommend them!

  • Sara Barney

    Sara Barney


    Bungalow 56 was an absolute dream to work with!

  • en

    Michelle Rodondi


    Absolutely love Jessica and Karyn with Bungalow 56. Their beyond talented and you will love the results! Best interior design company in the city, you will not be disappointed!!

  • en

    Nikki Whittemore


    Jessica and Karyn at Bungalow 56 are impeccable designers that create beautiful spaces. From small furniture packages to full scale remodels, these girls do it all! They are fun to work with and their attention to detail is unmatched. You will not regret hiring them to design your next space!!

  • Kelly De Laurentis

    Kelly De Laurentis


    Bungalow56 is AMAZING! They are professional, personable and eager to offer new and different ideas to reflect their client's needs, wants and tastes. I have seen them design from start to finish for both large and smaller scale projects. They treat their clients with great enthusiasm and expertise. I have witnessed firsthand how much they care about making sure their clients LOVE their newly decorated spaces. Do yourself a favor and hire them!!! And check out their storefront too. It's filled with beautiful, "rustic modern" accessories.

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