Bugged Out Pest Management w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBugged Out Pest Management



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959, East 15th Street, 11230, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-942-5994
strona internetowej: www.buggedoutny.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.626142, Longitude: -73.961369

komentarze 5

  • drew



    Unfortunately a poor experience with this company. Lazy, incomplete work. When asked, Sean John McGowan (owner) repeatedly refused to come back and finish the job after already being paid. To top it off, he was disrespectful, lied to us, and even suggested we hire a plumber or another service to complete the job that we paid THEM to do. Avoid this company. Save your time and money. Update: Unfortunately Sean (Suleny John) McGowan continues to show dishonesty and a disregard for facts, even after being given several opportunities to make things right, to finish the job that he agreed to do. And yes we have correspondence as well. No amount of twisting and lying will change the situation and it's unfortunate that a paying client had to resort to posting a negative review and disputing payment due to incomplete services. Fortunately there are many companies that understand the importance of customer service, basic honesty and follow through completing work which was agreed upon from the beginning. Hopefully other customers have a better experience and Sean M learns from his mistakes on this one.

  • Cat Henes

    Cat Henes


    When I was sure that I had the real "Bad Boys" beg bugs I started what I thought was going to be a tedious search for a exterminator. Posted a few messages at yelp and BOPM was one of the first to respond. They're prices were hard to beat. Plus loved the 90 days guarantee. Packing all my stuff in plastic bags and living out of them were so much NOT easy but John explained what would be done in my apartment and with my bed and furniture. Also explained the importance of mattress covers and what to do if one should tear, double cover them. Well although no live BB's were found, after the second visit , still a few bites that remarkably started to dwindle down. I'm so greatfull to find this good, honest company as my mom also who I had to ask to help with things and the money. A extra plus was that it got rid of yucky roaches too which didn't realize the extent of them. Thank you again guys. From the C. Henes and Lee family.

  • en

    Matt Alfano


    John is an absolute life saver! Responded to emails very quickly, gave me a time to schedule with him the next day, and was extremely professional. The guys a master, filling numerous holes my terrible landlord failed to address. If you have any sort of pest issue, I highly recommend you call Bugged Out Pest Management.

  • Rocko Starr

    Rocko Starr


    When I moved into my new apartment last year I ask about roaches and mice to be told I would not have a problem. I right away saw a couple roaches and in the months to follow the situation elevated. I keep my place including the kitchen sparkling clean but within 6 months I saw them every day. Eventually it was out of control and after researching and a few estimates I finally contacted Bugged Out to PLEASE HELP!!! They were not as costly as some of the others but I decided to try them thinking my landlord would be much happier with the low price. I started with the $140 2 service agreement with a 30 day guarantee in Dec last year. When the provider came I was prepared to leave for the day but instead was surprised that it was a simple maybe 30 min visit with no bombs or evacuation needed. I was honestly wondered if I made the right choice. I did see a big difference but was still skeptical. I then went out of town for the holidays. When I returned I was Looking for them thinking I would call to have a follow up. To my Shock and Amazement I did not see not even 1 roach for months! I meant to leave feedback but time went on. Yesterday I saw a roach and today another. Thinking back they suggest a quarterly service to keep roaches under control. I just counted the months and I guess I should have had them back last month. With that being said I just called today to have them come out again and requested the quarterly contract that they originally suggested to have them remind me that it is time again. I am serious about this review and Truly, Highly recommend Bugged Out to EVERYONE with a roach issue. Trust. I was in disbelief that my issue could be resolved but I really did not see even 1 roach for almost 3 month. This has me leaving this review today. Thank YOU Bugged Out. See you next week!Sincerely, Montana

  • Kristina Marshall

    Kristina Marshall


    I discovered ants on a Saturday morning and Bugged Out (gotta' love the company name) was in my home laying gel baits and spraying my balcony that very afternoon! The price was beyond reasonable and the 90-day guarantee was a great bonus. Ants being ants, I saw a few several weeks later. Bugged Out quickly returned and I couldn't be more pleased. This is a company that knows how to deal with bugs, strives to make customers happy and excels at both.

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