Bug Off Pest Control Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBug Off Pest Control Center



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1085, Saint Nicholas Avenue, 10032, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-781-2304
strona internetowej: www.bugoffpccenter.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.838082, Longitude: -73.940139

komentarze 5

  • Brendan Goldblatt

    Brendan Goldblatt


    If I could pick 10 Stars I would because Bug Off Pest Control deserves 10 Stars out of 5! Not only are they my favorite pest control supplier, worth 5 stars right there, I also attend the many pest control seminars/classes which are fantastic! The highlight of my work year is the NY Pest Expo in November, excellent speakers and vendors. Bug Off has been instrumental in making my company a success. Thank you Andy and Bug Off Pest Control!

  • Andrej Branc

    Andrej Branc


    Great people, lots of knowledge, good pricing for any pest control needs.

  • en

    Squash Exterminating


    Bugoff is the premier pest control supply store in the NYC area. Andy is always there for our phone calls, and inquiries. They carry everything one would need for any pest issue that may arise. Very satisfied.

  • en

    Carrie Cohan


    They are extremely knowledgeable about all things bugs! Andy could have sold me 2 different large cans of spray, I even asked for both, but instead he said that the 1 was all I needed...and he was right! But I thought that was very honest of him, most stores want to sell you as much as they can, here they just want to sell you as much as you need! They're great!

  • Maryellen Nugent-Lee

    Maryellen Nugent-Lee


    As far as I'm concerned, Andy and the guys at Bug Off are the go-to resource for everything related to pest control. They stock a complete supply of pest control products and are not only highly knowledgeable about their uses/efficacy but can explain in both English and Spanish. Being a relatively new applicator, I was guided to Bug Off by some of the most respected experts in the business, and now I've come to depend on the courses, advice and networking opportunities offered by Bug Off -- especially the annual professional Pest Expo. Hands down, Bug Off makes me better at my job.

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