Buffalo Wild Wings w Colorado Springs

Stany ZjednoczoneBuffalo Wild Wings



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2905, Geyser Drive, 80906, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 719-219-1500
strona internetowej: www.buffalowildwings.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.7908129, Longitude: -104.7961766

komentarze 5

  • Weston Hood

    Weston Hood


    We came here and got some chicken. The service was a little slow but I think that was because our server was a little bit of a princess. Overall the food and the stuff turned out pretty well, can’t really complain. Usually B dubs have terrible reputation for service and and it was nice to see some decent service this time.

  • Benjamin Sims

    Benjamin Sims


    Food was fabulous. However the server got overwhelmed with the amount of tables he had. The only time we got him to come to our table was when he had to be flagged down by another employee. I know this can sometimes be on the hostess. But it was quite frustrating having to wait to ask for things 30+ minutes.

  • Roman Peek

    Roman Peek


    I would have given three stars but the manager managed to redeem our experience somewhat. The reason for the three stars is that we came in as a family of 3, drinks for the most part came out fast for all, the food however was a different story. First our kid got his food, 15 minutes later my wife, nearly 20 min later I got mine and it was luke warm at best. A few min later a manager walked up and asked if everything was OK. I did tell him and he managed to get a hot fresh order out fairly quick. That is why and how they redeemed the star. I am pretty sure they are struggling with staffing and that was the issue.

  • Felisha Trester

    Felisha Trester


    I ate before remembering to take pics of the wings but bdubs is consistently good. The pretzels look burned but that's just how they come and they are amazing. I love the wide choices of wing flavors. If you read my review do my a favor and follow me on google. I review lots of places across the US but this bdubs is one I always try to grub at. Thank you!

  • Philip J. Sechow

    Philip J. Sechow


    Mediocrity at its finest! No one expects a fine dining experience when you order from Buffalo wild wings. But I watched my delivery driver sit in their parking lot for 15 minutes, after they had already had 15 minutes to prep the order. And you think with 30 minutes to get 20 glorified chicken nuggets together, you would at least get the order right. But no, now I sit, in my kitchen, eating the smallest chicken nuggets I’ve ever seen, with no French fries. Not the worst $30 I’ve ever spent but boy will I not be wasting $30 the same way ever again.

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