Buffalo Wild Wings w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneBuffalo Wild Wings



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2450, Crystal Drive, 22202, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-413-0160
strona internetowej: buffalowildwings.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.853019, Longitude: -77.050059

komentarze 5

  • Burak Özdemir

    Burak Özdemir


    It's really empty now but to get served almost it took 20 minutes. Now we ordered....It took more than 20 minutes to come this order and it wasn't right order. And they said 5 minutes and we got our order 5 minutes later. We were drinking coke and we needed another coke but no one was here almost 20 minutes we have waited and they were I mean the employees was talking with each other. Finally I got up to get my coke and they said oo you need something? This is not I expect. I normally live in Chicago and I never seen something like unprofessional work in any another bww. Sorry guys. You guys might be nice but this is not good. Even if here really empty. You should be careful. I don't wanna pay money for nothing and I am working as well. I didn't find money on the street.

  • Payton Cory

    Payton Cory


    Long wait to be seated. Long wait to get drinks. Long wait to get food. Over all bad experience.

  • Jason Howe

    Jason Howe


    Inexpensive place to grab a beer and some wings... Sticks primarily to the chain and nothing really wrong with that. Service and food was good

  • en

    Gigi Jacome


    The food was fine, but it took a long time. The place was packed and If you had kids the wait time was probably an hour. We didn't have kids with us so we sat near the bar. The food took 40 mins, the onion rings could have cooked a little longer, they were a bit soft. The staff was great, they were friendly and did their best.

  • Joel Kubicki Jr

    Joel Kubicki Jr


    The place is a bit pricey. The service is hot or miss. If you do go, ask for the wings to be well done. That will add a bit more quality to the wings. They do not come out underdone, but the time used to cook them could be increased a bit. Be cognizant of when you as it will affect your experience and service.

najbliższy Bar

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