Buffalo Wild Wings w Irvine

Stany ZjednoczoneBuffalo Wild Wings



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14110, Culver Drive, 92604, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 949-872-2999
strona internetowej: buffalowildwings.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7086975, Longitude: -117.7829612

komentarze 5

  • Celina Condo

    Celina Condo


    Sub par service. While I like to watch all the games, and really enjoy the boneless wings, service has not improved in our many past visits. We will never go back to this place.

  • en

    JJ Chen


    I've been to this location several times for lunch, usually around 11:30 or so. I don't remember a time that I needed to wait for a table. The place is usually pretty empty when I go. The staff had always shown great service and attentiveness, especially in the bar area. I've had inconsistent experiences with the wings and that is why I'm deducting a star. On some occasions, the wings are cooked spot on, on some others the wings are over cooked or not enough sauce or something. It would be nice if the wings came out consistently good if that makes sense. I feel like the snack lunch size wings are typically the ones that are inconsistent whereas if you order the non lunch wings those seem better.

  • en

    Arturo Gonzalez


    My wife and I stopped by for dinner, and we had amazing service. From the time that we ordered our food to the time it got to our table was between 5-10 minutes, granted it was a Monday night. Our server, Martini (like the drink) was also incredible. He was very friendly, attentive and made the experience what it was (5 stars).This restaurant would do well to make sure they do not lose him. I look forward to our next visit and hopefully get Martini again. Keep it up Martini! You're a rockstar!

  • Drew C

    Drew C


    One of my fav wing places. Everything is delicious. Come on Tuesday’s when they have the special for bone-in wings. It gets packed on weekends also.

  • en

    Andre Ocampo


    I always order the spicy wings and beer it's a good combination. There is so much you can try on the menu and taste all good. I have tried most of them when my family and I go out to eat dinner but I always have to order an extra spicy wings for myself.

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