Budget i Ft Worth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBudget



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7451 N Beach St, Ste 168, (North Fort Worth), Ft Worth, TX 76137, США
kontakter telefon: +1 817-306-4813
internet side: www.budget.com
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Latitude: 32.874752, Longitude: -97.290284

kommentar 5

  • Brenda Moore

    Brenda Moore


    I rented a car from them, it was so dirty and smelled so bad. It was the worst car rental I have ever had. Seats were stained and just nasty.

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    Philip Martin


    Worst customer service . I would recommend walking instead of renting a car from the incompetent staff

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    Alex Valenzuela


    Right away I was told that they didn't have a van, which I had a reservation for. I pointed one out that they had, and only then did they say it was available. I tried using certificates to help pay, only to be told it was prepaid (I know 100% I choose "Pay at the Counter"). So to recap so far, they already charged me for a vehicle that they said wasn't available. Then had to wait for them to vacuum that vehicle, no big deal. And lastly, that vehicle has something rubbing or loose under right front tire.

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    Donald Long


    The people who run the front desk need to learn how to conduct business very unprofessional very dissatisfied!

  • AJ Cruz

    AJ Cruz


    Up until my past couple rentals, I loved renting from this location. Friendly staff, quick attention. I don't know if they are under new management or what, but they have gone downhill. If their location wasn't so convenient, I would not be going back.

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