Budget w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneBudget



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1831, New York 112, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-475-2826
strona internetowej: www.budget.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.802272, Longitude: -73.004209

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ed Cunningham


    Great service from Vinny. Friendly professional and gave me a better rate than I was quoted. HIGHLY RECOMMEND

  • Christie Lopez

    Christie Lopez


    Car was trashed. Dirty, inside and out. Covered in bird poop and food. Bulge in the tire that was unsafe. Smelled like smoke. Had to take it to the nearest Budget to exchange it. Enterprise next time, done with Budget

  • Erick Moran

    Erick Moran


    Estelugar es delo peor yo icemi reservación 3 semanas anticipado yame varias veces para compro bar mirecerbacion y todo estaba bien y el día derecojer el carro meisieron esperar 2 horas q elcarrobenia en camino i el carro nuncayego metoco cancelar mi viaje por culpa de budget son in responsables nolorecomiendo este lugar en verdad meecharon a perder miviaje de fin deaño

  • Scott Entwistle

    Scott Entwistle


    This place was terrible for renting a moving truck. If you're thinking about renting one here, please don't! This was by far the worst rental experience we've had. We arrived at 11am for our rental reservation just to watch the guy give away our truck in front of us. He told the customer that was there that he didn't have any 12ft trucks, how about a 16? The guy said sure and he walked him to the truck area for a bit and came back. When he got back we told him we were there for a 16ft truck reservation and he face palmed and said "oh s*** I just gave it away." So we agreed to wait 3-4 hours and pick up a truck when they arrived. We waited and finally got the call and the truck we got was a commercial POS that was absolutely disgusting. It stunk, I'm talking Seinfeld BO stunk, and it ran rough. It got us to our destination 5 hours away but the AC was broken and everything was covered in grime. We bought air fresheners to no avail. It also had a nice and greasy Burger King bag stuffed behind the drivers seat, a glove box full of empty Doritos bags, and some empty water bottles shoved in corners. Clearly not cleaned, or even looked at? When we arrived at our destination the person at the other budget told us these types of trucks would only be used for local commercial runs at her store and never for a one way like this. We also discovered that the guy didn't give us the paperwork and even worse, he told us we'd be emailed a receipt... The lady at drop off told us they don't even have a way to email a receipt through the system. Great. No write off on taxes. If you're renting online and have to pick a store, please don't pick this place. It's terrible.

  • en

    Christina Flouras


    I just dropped off my one-way rental and the gentleman behind the counter was so kind and had great customer service! Will definitely use them again! Highly recommend!

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