Bubby's w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBubby's



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73, Gansevoort Street, 10014, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-206-6200
strona internetowej: www.bubbys.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7395411, Longitude: -74.0078087

komentarze 5

  • en

    Linda CASTANZA


    Amazing!! Amazing!! Amazing!! It's not a fancy place but it has excellent food. Very fresh and wholesome meat and vegetables. Everything we ordered was beyond excellent. Grass fed beef, organic food and the pies were great too. Not expensive either. A must go!

  • Mo Patellio

    Mo Patellio


    One of the best breakfasts place I’ve had in a long time in NY. Started with friendly server, bloody Mary & freshly baked biscuits. So good, I should have asked for six more pieces. DO NOT SKIP GETTING PANCAKES & BISCUITS! Not going to lie, the line ups were long. We gave up at one point. The service is quick & friendly. Our party of five was able to get table within 30 minutes. I’d suggest go early or stand be prepared to wait, but it’s worth it. Check out the pictures associated with this review.

  • en

    Angela H


    We can to enjoy a nice Sunday brunch and were able to get a table for two relatively quickly. Our server, Lacey, was friendly, helpful with menu recommendations, and attentive. Our food was brought out quck and tasted amazing. I have converted another person to enjoying sourdough pancakes! I am so glad that it's back on the menu...this signature dish was taken off their menu a few years back and I was utterly disappointed! I stopped going to Bubby's because they didn't serve the sourdough pancakes. Just the other day, I was having a conversation about sourdough bread and the like and discovered that it was back on the menu. The food and the pancakes were as good if not better than I remembered. The food is a bit pricey, but hey, it is definitely worth it if you never had sourdough pancakes!

  • Kevin Simms

    Kevin Simms


    Bubby's was a great find. Right across from the entrance to the Highline and a block from the Whitney Museum near Chelsea Piers, this was a warm, fun and reasonably priced place for NYC with friendly staff, delicious food and drink selection. Our group thoroughly enjoyed the fried catfish and chips, grass fed burgers, Peruvian chicken and some creative cocktails. Bacon wrapped meatloaf is on target for next visit. Too full to try Bubby's ice cream shop this time, but will be back next time we are in the area. Worth a try.

  • en

    Lilly Althauser


    If 3.5 was an option that's what I would give. The food was great - pancakes were really good and the bacon was delicious. However it doesn't get the 5 stars because of the pricing. I get it, it's the location but $25 for good pancakes and bacon is just a bit too much. It wasn't OUT OF THIS WORLD like I would expect a $25 pancake would be. I also got the mimosa flight which was tasty, the lemonade flavor was my favorite. They were tiny though and when $15 can get you unlimited elsewhere. I will add, the staff was very nice and pleasant unlike many of the other reviews.

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