Bubbles Blow Out Bar w East Northport

Stany ZjednoczoneBubbles Blow Out Bar



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517, Larkfield Road, 11731, East Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 844-728-2253
strona internetowej: www.bubblesblowoutbar.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8632443, Longitude: -73.3201049

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jamie Lago


    Very cute and clean place. However my appointment felt very rushed and there was only 2 other clients in at the time. I have long hair and the shampoo and blowout took less then 15/20 minutes. Hairdresser was too rough with the brush and blow dryer. I felt like my neck was being pulled and strained. Honestly the blow out wasn’t great either. I could have done better myself. Maybe I’ll try this place again with a different person.

  • en

    Rosa Torero


    This was my first time going to a blow bar and I would highly recommend this place. Stephanie was awesome and friendly. I wanted a braid for my hairstyle and she doesn't do braids but she asked another coworker if she was able to do it and the other stylist did it. This place is a TEAM players atmosphere. FYI my curls lasted the whole night. I would go back to this place. :)

  • en

    Samantha Walsh


    I have been going to Bubbles for a year and I absolutely love it. I first discovered it when I was in a jam, and they were able to accomdate me right away. Every single person there is super friendly and talented that you can't go wrong. I think 25$ for a blow out and a glass of champagne is an amazing deal. I wish they had a referral incentive because I would probably never have to pay for a blow out again! Love this place. If there were 10 stars I'd give them 10!

  • Lauren Lafontaine

    Lauren Lafontaine


    I went in for french braids and got a last minute appointment with Jasmine. She was great I came in and showed her a pic of what I wanted and that's exactly what I got. Really cool atmosphere and the staff couldn't have been nicer. I will definitely be going back.

  • Megan Faughnan

    Megan Faughnan


    Wonderful and accommodating staff! My hair and make-up were perfect. Ambiance in the salon is welcoming and comfortable, while still feeling hip and modern. A definite stop before a big event or a wedding!

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