Bubble N Tea w Beaverton

Stany ZjednoczoneBubble N Tea



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3496, Southwest Cedar Hills Boulevard, 97005, Beaverton, Washington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-747-7526
strona internetowej: www.thebubblentea.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4944397, Longitude: -122.8089409

komentarze 5

  • Emma Sun

    Emma Sun


    Such a cute boba shop!! I haven’t been here for a while and decide to visit the place. I got the matcha and earl grey tea with oat milk. Tea favor was really good. I am also happy that they have alternative milk, not much place have that options

  • David Nguyen

    David Nguyen


    Each time we visited my parents, annually, in Bethany area OR, we would come to this place daily for the duration of our trip, usually 1-2 weeks! They fresh brewed the tea for each drink. The drinks were so delicious and aromatic, one can really taste the tea and smell the floral. My go-to was the Jasmine. Kids and wife usually got the Classic and were more adventurous with the other teas. All were very aromatic, fresh, well-made, and pure joy to drink. This place was among our top 3 boba tea places. Then, couple of years ago, prior to the pandemic (or 2020?), there was a change. I didn't pay attention but got into the car and bam! What happened?! Was my reaction. The aromas and floral were barely noticeable and the drinks sweeter than before (we usually order 30%). I came back the next day and eagled-eye the preparations. The teas were all pre-made and placed inside containers! We were here again beginning of July '22 but only visited twice. Hopefully, they'll bring back the old ways.

  • Derrick D'souza

    Derrick D'souza


    Ended up getting the classic milk tea with cream. You need to order via kiosk but guess i missed tuje option to customize ice or either is not there. It was decent but ended up with lot of ice which kinda dampened overall taste. I would suggest getting less ice. Overall 4/5 but there's limited options compared to traditional boba places.

  • Lily Lee

    Lily Lee


    Limited selections for flavors from smoothies, milk teas, to iced teas; served either hot or cold. Buuutt flavors were spot on! Really enjoyed the orange blossom ice tea!!! Ordered it with the grass jelly but honestly you don't even need any toppings in it. It's that good all on its own. The others liked their honey lavender milk tea and Thai milk tea. Pricing was either $5 or $6 each drink, pretty reasonable for the size. Definitely will visit again!

  • Lauren V.E.

    Lauren V.E.


    A cute and cozy Boba shop with reasonably priced drinks. Due to the shop being small, it was pretty noisy inside and there wasn't much available seating. That being said, the remaining seating was clean. Ordering is done through one or two Toast tablets by the counter that already has all the options listed and makes it very low-stress to order.

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