Brot Coffee w Orange

Stany ZjednoczoneBrot Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

316, South Main Street, 92868, Orange, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-602-9894
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7836945, Longitude: -117.8679914

komentarze 5

  • Michele Chatelle

    Michele Chatelle


    Great family-owned coffee shop. If you're looking for pastries, this isn't your spot. But if you want a large variety of artisanal breads and/or really good coffees, you'll love it.

  • Jack Wineman Salseda

    Jack Wineman Salseda


    Who would have thought you could do so much with toast? I had the sourdough with Irish butter and avocado... It was pretty good! I'll definitely be back.

  • Michael Sciarra

    Michael Sciarra


    I come to Brot for the coffee and the people! Adrian and his team have amazing coffee that they roast fresh. They truly do an amazing job. They also have a unique welcoming and personal atmosphere where they will spend time in conversation with customers and genuinely care for them. I haven't experienced this anywhere else! It's their mission to create positive experiences around coffee and they've nailed it.

  • Scott Kendall

    Scott Kendall


    Genuine bunch of folks working behind the bar. Great vibe, welcoming atmosphere and damned good coffee. It is easy to sneak in for a quick order since it is usually not super crowded, which blows my mind, because it is the best cup of coffee in their area for sure. They have something special going on with their toast options, make sure to check those out. Highly recommended!!

  • Heather Petrillo

    Heather Petrillo


    Hands down, my favorite coffee shop in Orange. Top notch coffee, excellent prices, and good atmosphere. Down to earth, caring owners to boot. So many reasons to pick this over the big chain coffee stores. You'll thank you'll yourself for choosing wisely!!

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