Brooklyn Women's Exchange Inc en New York

Estados UnidosBrooklyn Women's Exchange Inc



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55, Pierrepont Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-624-3435
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6959876, Longitude: -73.9950959

comentarios 5

  • Steve Schneider

    Steve Schneider


    Great place, hidden gem.

  • en

    Jane Murrow


    It is very nice store and staff very friendly, you can find something for gift reasonable price

  • Sara Sarakanti

    Sara Sarakanti


    This is the first store I go to when I need to buy a gift. Lots of wonderful handcrafted items for babies, kids, and adults. Prices are very reasonable, and there's something for everyone. Plus, it's volunteer-run and a local gem of Brooklyn Heights. Plus, the caramels are mouth-wateringly good! Worse a visit even if just for a 50 cent caramel!

  • Perry Weiner

    Perry Weiner


    Perhaps it's a gem, perhaps not: I'll never know. Twice--and both times during inclement weather--I trudged to Pierrepont and Hicks, to find that, although it was listed as open, Brooklyn Women's Exchange was closed and both times "unexpectedly." I know, I know, I'm not always efficient and I don't always keep all my promises, but that's why I'm not a small business owner. It's hard now that those wonderful Germans on Pineapple walk have closed, but I won't try BWE again. Fool me twice, shame...

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    Kristin Becker


    The Brooklyn Women's Exchange is my go-to store for a unique gift. The shop carries handmade quilts, dolls, and wooden toys, perfect for new babies and children's birthdays, and has a terrific card selection, in addition to jewelry, soaps, and locally-made pottery. At the holidays they sell a huge number of handmade ornaments, in traditional and totally unique styles! It's hard to find stores these days that don't have the same-old stuff. This place is a gem.

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