Brooklawn Dental Associates w Bridgeport

Stany ZjednoczoneBrooklawn Dental Associates



🕗 godziny otwarcia

990, Brooklawn Avenue, 06604, Bridgeport, Fairfield County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 203-335-6471
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1909982, Longitude: -73.2196108

komentarze 5

  • Ricardo Guthrie

    Ricardo Guthrie


    First, I must say that going to the dentist is not on my favorite list. I have been to several different dentists, and it's because I've never felt comfortable going to any of them. Today was my first visit to Brooklawn Dental, and I must say everything was perfect. From entering and being greeted by I think her name was Emily, who was very delightful at 8:45am on a Monday morning, to Gloria who did my cleaning who took her time and got between every teeth without making me feel like I was in a painful surgery. She also took the time to explain everything to me without making me feel like she needed me out of the chair so they could get the next patient in. Overall, I had a great experience at Brooklawn Dental, and they are now my forever dentist. By the way, they didn't pay me to say this, lol, but I did get a free toothbrush 😁.

  • Tarashaun Thompson

    Tarashaun Thompson


    I have been coming here for years with my daughter and we both love this space. The office is always clean and the staff is very friendly! Love the new renovations!!

  • Debi Conrad

    Debi Conrad


    I think I’ve been going to BDA for close to 20 years. The offices have always been bright and clean and during the pandemic I feel they took extraordinary measures to make the patient comfortable and confident that they could safely have their dental work done. Aside from that the staff are fantastic. They explain what they’re doing, make me feel more relaxed and we always share a laugh. I would definitely recommend this practice.

  • Sandy Walters

    Sandy Walters


    I have been a patient here for over 15 years and I must admit that Dr. Warren and his staff is incomparable. The environment is very clean. Staff is friendly, professional and just wonderful all around. If you are looking for excellent dental care and more. Please go there......NOW!!

  • David V

    David V


    I have been with Brooklawn Dental since I was 4 years old! It’s a great office with a wonderful team! My teeth are in great shape. 🙂

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