Bronx County Sheriff's Office i New York

Forenede StaterBronx County Sheriff's Office



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3030 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor,, Bronx, NY 10455, США
kontakter telefon: +1 718-993-3880
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8196198, Longitude: -73.9132048

kommentar 5

  • Mindy Nelida

    Mindy Nelida


    I will say that the Deputy that was assigned to my service against my ex-husband was very respectful and called me as soon as the service was done. I am not a person who knows alot of people so when the Bronx family court told me the sheriff office could help I was happy.My ex-husband exscaped and disrespected the law and I hope justice will finally be served. Thanks Bronx County Sheriff office

  • en

    mangnely mena


    A Hispanic Sheriff Miss Devlin was very pleasant and helpful with me. Also the security at the entrance was very nice.

  • es

    richard triann


    La Corte me favorecio con 5mil dolares,Les lleve la certificación del Banco dónde constaba que estaba el dinero,llevo dos años y nada.Llamo al tel y cuelgan la llamada.Es inoperante 100%.

  • en

    kimberly Toone


    Very nice and helpful. On the phone for the fact that I called the wrong office lol. They saved me a trip (YALL SEE THESE GAS PRICES SO HAPPY THANK U) (WHATS THAT FACTS LOL)

  • Elle Sweetest

    Elle Sweetest


    This service is a joke. You have to do everything yourself. They only issue the execution order and levy from the judge. After they get your money from the entity that owes you, they tell you that it takes another two months for them to pay you due to them processing their portion of the money and there's nothing you can do about it. It would be easier to pay a lawyer $250 to draw up the necessary paper work to get your money for you. They nearly botched my case and didn't move to do anything about it. They are extremely rude over the phone, especially the woman that answers the phone most times. The only helpful person there is the acting supervisor, the rest of them just sit around the office or pretend to be in the field when you call.

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