Brinckerhoff & Neuville Inc w Fishkill

Stany ZjednoczoneBrinckerhoff & Neuville Inc



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1134, Main Street, 12524, Fishkill, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-896-4700
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Latitude: 41.5355009, Longitude: -73.901008

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kim Knapp


    I just had the most nerve wracking experience and the most rewarding all within two days. Yesterday I found out that my insurance was canceled (long story, not important to the theme of this post). This is where the nerve wracking part comes in. Finding out in an instance that you can't drive your car to dance lessons, soccer practice and the grocery store. And not knowing when you will be able to drive your car at all. I immediately contacted Brinckerhoff and Neuville, who manages my insurance. They immediately went to work, assuring me they would handle things and even giving me a cell number to call. This is where the rewarding experience starts. Not only did they assure me that 'everything would be okay'.... they had me with a new policy, id cards and everything by 11am the next day. Everyone I worked with was so professional and kind. I would recommend this agency to anyone looking for insurance. My thanks go out to the great team at Brinckerhoff & Neuville !

  • C Pogge

    C Pogge


    If you need insurance, visit B&N!

  • Jennifer Mikol

    Jennifer Mikol


    I was new to car insurance and renters insurance and my partner had a great experience with his agent at brinkerhoff & neuville so I figured I would give them a try and my agent Nancy has been nothing but AMAZING! So friendly and responsive and extremely helpful in her explanation of everything.

  • jamie E

    jamie E


    Our agent Nancy is just amazing she always able yo reach and she get everything done! She does all the paperwork and send it anywhere we need it. Everyone we call with our cars and home she was able to take care of it within 24 hours. I used to have state farm and I just thought they were over price when we switch over we save more then half from our car I insurance highly recommend!

  • en

    Nicole Rigger


    I have been a client for quite some time. Mostly for the 20+ year good relationship my father in law had with this agency. After a very expensive error on their part in 2011, I chose to give them another chance and was deeply disappointment when in 2016, i discovered not only did they miss one of my corporate vehicles dropping off our policy at renewal but also after issuing me two insurance cards to re-register my vehicles at NYSDMV, they never added the vehicles. This coupled with them not advising me of a non-renewal notice because we hadn't produced a copy of a license from a former employee. When I broached the topic, they had the audacity to tell me, I never called to tell them I had been successful in my DMV trip. Nothing like trying to turn your error into my problem. Progressive, our carrier, went above and beyond to fix this without any help from Brinkerhoff. In fact, when they did try and fix their error, they fixed it with the wrong dates, yielding me TWO suspension notices and fines. Steer clear. There are a lot of other options around. That I even continued to use this agency (36 miles away) after their first screw-up, is unforgiveable.

najbliższy Agencja ubezpieczeń

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