Bridgeport Dental Partners w Bridgeport

Stany ZjednoczoneBridgeport Dental Partners



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161, Boston Avenue, 06610, Bridgeport, Fairfield County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 203-873-0598
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2027282, Longitude: -73.1857223

komentarze 5

  • Paige Taylor

    Paige Taylor


    Rose is very unprofessional and rude, I called to schedule a appointment for my husband broken filling, she claims that she can’t schedule him for a filling because he haven’t been there for awhile, wow! does it matter how long he haven’t been seen? Dr chun is his Dentist for many years, who are you to tell me that he can’t be seen for a filling Because he haven’t came in for awhile RIDICULOUS!!!!

  • Rice Bagger

    Rice Bagger


    I haven't gotten a cleaning in *years (rather not mention how long it's been) the hygienist who cleaned my teeth (Katerina) was so kind and caring, she gave me a deep cleaning even though she was behind because of her packed schedule as every one books her, (for good reason!) she really dug in there and got out every piece of calculus/tarter. My teeth look brand new and I can't believe how clean they are now. I was in pain prior to my appointment, she got rid of the pain and infection I had in my gums. I'd recommend to book her for your next cleaning, she is great with children and adults alike. The place has a bit of a wait but it's worth it. If you have to pay out of pocket please do, you won't regret it. The front desk ladies were efficient, polite and can answer any of your questions.

  • Melissa Rahrig

    Melissa Rahrig


    Absolutely love this place! From the first day I walked in there, the staff has been nothing but polite, informative and gentle!! They go above and beyond to make sure their patients get the care they need! I can honestly say this is the best dental practice that I have ever been to! I always look forward to going back!!

  • Passionique Taylor

    Passionique Taylor


    This was one of the best places I've ever been as far as dental practice. I loved the staff. The dental assistant really took great care of my teeth more than I ever have seeing any other dental office. I will highly recommend this practice to everyone!.

  • Kayri Castro

    Kayri Castro


    I love this place! Everybody in the clinic are very friendly. Scheduled an appointment for the same week and was impress with the service they provide. The Doctor took his time explaining the process and my treatment plan. I recommend this office 100%.

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