Brick City Gold Inc w Newark

Stany ZjednoczoneBrick City Gold Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

104, Market Street, 07102, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-273-9808
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7361477, Longitude: -74.1747101

komentarze 5

  • Abdus Subhan

    Abdus Subhan


    Cloud be better

  • Anon Smith

    Anon Smith


    Fake, ghetto, hood jewlery. You can just look at the store and know that its not high quality. Fellas! dont buy your engagement rings here. Treat your women right. Go to real experts.

  • Drift Lopez

    Drift Lopez


    Best jewelry store down town Newark, that's where I buy my jewels, they know me for years

  • en

    Luciana Santos


    The Bracelet my husband bought for our son kept on breaking, we took it back the last time, they said they were going to put an extra support on the name, and i took my necklace which they made and i wasn't very happy with, when muy husband first gave me the necklace i opened the box a stone had already fallen out so i had to take it back. When I Went To Pick It Up They Replaced The Stone And It Was A Different shape. The Metal Part Was Round And The Stone Was A Tear Drop So You Could See Where The Stone Didn't Fit. I had to leave it again. When I Finally Took It Home 2 Weeks Later my son had pulled it so it was a 2 minutes fix, they were sitting there for 4 months not being touched. I kept on going there to pick them up and every time nothing had been done. I had the necklace less than a month and they were already trying to sell me another more expensive in its place. Horrible Customer Service, The People Don't Communicate.

  • Empress Jai

    Empress Jai


    Very good customer service and attention to detail. Good prices

najbliższy Jubiler

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