Brian O'Keefe - State Farm Insurance Agent i Holbrook

Forenede StaterBrian O'Keefe - State Farm Insurance Agent



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411, Furrows Road, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-580-3276
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.806972, Longitude: -73.0730625

kommentar 5

  • Kenneth Liao

    Kenneth Liao


    Brian is sharp and talks straight. He went out of his way to help me to not pay for extra coverage I didn't need. The office staff are very friendly and knowledgeable. (I think one of the staff might be his wife?)

  • en

    colleen mullen


    Unfortunately I was in a car accident 10/2017. My car was totalled. Brian O'Keefe's office helped me get through this incident every step of the way. Kind, caring, and super fast without any problems.

  • en

    Kate Derosiers


    I just wanted to take an opportunity to say thank you for my "gentle reminders" when my policy is past due. I have had other insurance companies who would not extend such a courtesy. A real person too, not an automated voice! Thank you again for such outstanding service.

  • en

    amy cohen


    Office Staff Extremely Helpful! Brian Is So Honest & Reliable And Always Available When You Need Him.

  • Kristin Peterson

    Kristin Peterson


    Brian and his staff were extremely helpful and knowledgeable. They helped me pick the best life insurance policy, as well as insuring my home and cars. I highly recommend them.

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