Brett Berges - State Farm Insurance Agent w Malverne

Stany ZjednoczoneBrett Berges - State Farm Insurance Agent



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279, Hempstead Avenue, 11565, Malverne, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-887-5600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6755594, Longitude: -73.6694803

komentarze 4

  • en

    John Oconnor


    Always efficient and pleasant.

  • E&L Interactive Web Design

    E&L Interactive Web Design


  • Twelfth Night Photography

    Twelfth Night Photography


    Been using them for over 10 years for work and personal, car and home. They have been nothing but great !! Every time we needed them it was fast and easy! I call for work about 2-3 times a month and it always get done quickly !! Highly recommend them for anything you need !!

  • en

    Krystin Ramos


    I had home insurance through this agent for a short while. I ended up canceling because I was promised a better price through my car insurance company which I have had for several years. It ended up not working out as they said. I decided to go back to state farm and went through the whole process of getting a quote they even came to my house to take pictures. When I called to move forward i was told that they reached their quota for that month and weren't able to take any new policies. I understood and called back a few weeks later to find out when they begin taking for the next month so I could make sure I didn't miss out again. When I called I was transferred to Brett Berges who very rudely told me that he was a businessman and because I cancelled and didn't show him loyalty he would not be showing me loyalty and I would not have priority of any kind when they began taking new policies. He also added because I wouldn't sign up for auto insurance with him it is not in his best interest as a businessman. The fact of the matter is they were charging significantly more for my auto insurance than what I am currently paying (to be clear near double). I have never had an experience like this and really couldn't even believe what I was hearing when he was saying it. I'm so disappointed in this company and Brett Berges in particular for his rude and unprofessional demeanor.

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