Breakneck Ridge Trail Start Point w Cold Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneBreakneck Ridge Trail Start Point


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Breakneck Ridge Trail, 10516, Cold Spring, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-512-9348
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Latitude: 41.4432148, Longitude: -73.9778345

komentarze 5

  • Chengyuan Zhao

    Chengyuan Zhao


    This is a surprisingly challenging hike if you start with the white trail ascending. When you get to the top you're on the edge of the cliffs, and it's kinda terrifying. It's really satisfying, though. It's a great hike and the trail gets really crowded.

  • en

    EastSpanishDanbury Territorio


    Awesome place to do if you're not able to do the beach on a cloudy and not extremely hot day. The trek is one of the shortest, but definitely very strenuous. There are parts where you are rock climbing as well as trekking up the trail. We went on Memorial Day and it was really crowded at parking. Something to keep in mind if doing this on a holiday.

  • Luis Bello

    Luis Bello


    Really fun trail but a bit challenging at first. Come prepared with lots of water and the right gear. The view from up top is really pretty and worth the climb. The trail is easy to get to by train from Grand Central ($29 both ways no rush hour) or by car. Also, you can go down and walk all the way to Cold Spring which is really pretty and take the train back from there.

  • Azi Amiri

    Azi Amiri


    It worth 5 stars if you like and you know rock climbing. Remember that you better to take the other trail -Yellow and red- to finish the trail. Coming down the Breakneck trail can be dangerous if you are not prepared and skilled.

  • Jay Stevens

    Jay Stevens


    You get out of your car, walk a few meters, and you need three points of contact before you can blink. This is a serious scramble from the start! Challenging, invigorating, and delivering spectacular Hudson River views. Can't ask for much more. Hiked through to the fire tower and was met by a drone, oddly. I said hello. Returning on the red casino trail I lost the thread at one point. Not sure how. Headed due West and in no time picked up another trail so all good there. Ended up being a long, fun hike. Did it alone but would love some company next time. Hit me up!

najbliższy Park

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