Bravo Bravo i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBravo Bravo



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1001, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-223-5330
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9029787, Longitude: -77.0392273

kommentar 5

  • en

    TMF1 Productions


    Bravo! Bravo! is more than just a Late Night Club! It's also an GREAT "Afterwork Spot" with lots of seating space and reasonably priced Happy Hour Food and Drink offerings. There are LIVE DJs each week, Wednesday through Friday with NO COVER CHARGE!!!

  • Spinderella Princess

    Spinderella Princess


    I went out Saturday night and let me tell you. I was impressed with this Club. This was my first time the staff was nice security was nice and might I add they were cute too lol. The setup was on point. NO FIGHTS, GOOD DRINKS, GREAT BAND. I would definitely go back and recommend this club to everyone.

  • swaggy vee

    swaggy vee


    Hispanic, bald bartender, bartending August 18th night into the 19th near the restrooms was giving off racist vibes. I asked him for a cup of water with ice, he wanted to sell me a bottled water for $5. I told him I just wanted ice with regular water and he only gave me a cup of ice. I confronted a manager about the problem, which she (Tatiana) seemed to handle, but apparently wasn't handled b/c after she spoke to him the bartender harassed me while wearing a shirt that read "I hate you" with a monkey on it. I am considered African American so I do not find that a coincidence. I do not recommend supporting a night club with racist bartenders that cannot serve you a simple cup of water for free when any restaurant you will give you WATER FOR FREE, this was a very disrespectful situation and should not be tolerated at all.

  • Thomas Scheurich

    Thomas Scheurich


    Happy hour prices can't be beat for the location. Quite delicious "bar food" snacks too.

  • en

    Weiming Huynh


    Great $5 happy hour deal from 4-8. It's a great place to chill when there are issues on the Metro. Why not grab a drink and some grub and wait for the crowd to clear up. This place has cheap drinks and the food is good enough. It's all good.

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