Brando's Speakeasy w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneBrando's Speakeasy



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343, South Dearborn Street, 60604, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 773-216-3213
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.8771962, Longitude: -87.6289936

komentarze 5

  • Frieden Liebe

    Frieden Liebe


    Ah, Brando's. This classic Chicago Speakeasy features "Karaoke anytime". The caveat to that claim? The KJ doesn't actually take song requests. You must spend time creating an account on a machine that ends up generating the singer list. If you're going to karaoke, be aware the wait may be longer... But the ambiance and staff are great, so maybe that won't matter as much. Definitely check it out.

  • LaReyna Griffin

    LaReyna Griffin


    An awesome bar! Two sides, the red room where there is more music and divey feel and the back bar. I loved the happy hour deals and the bartenders are super cool and chat with ya when it's slow. Def a great spot in the loop.

  • Tiffany English

    Tiffany English


    Charging $5 to get in the bar is not cool. So because the doorman only recognizes one person in our group who was here previously, he wanted to make the rest of us pay $5 and probably pockets the money. I asked to speak to the manger and this young, blond guy showed up and said we had to pay, even though the first person in our party didn't. Way to keep loyal customers. I've been going to Brandos for years, but not anymore since you're that petty about $5.

  • en

    Courtney Janchenko


    Came for Monday happy hour. I love the one-timey dive feel and velvet couches. Wasn't sure if I was going to get into the karaoke, but it was actually pretty cool. Adequate happy hour drink specials and the appetizers were much better than I expected. Would definitely come back!

  • Russ Lacuata

    Russ Lacuata


    A group of my colleagues and peers are attending a company conference nearby so we decided to meet here as a group for a few drinks. It wasn't a busy Tuesday night but it's still a pretty good size crowd. Very cool and laid back vibe.The drinks are pretty good and potent. The bartender was not to friendly, looks like he didn't even want to be bothered. The prices is average for Downtown Chicago. The list for the Karaoke was pretty long. They were not that many good karaoke singers, but the crowds gets into so that was pretty fun.

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