Brakes Plus i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterBrakes Plus



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911, North Lamb Boulevard, 89110, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-453-8838
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1817116, Longitude: -115.0798043

kommentar 5

  • en

    R Daniels


    Very satisfied. Good prices, timely work, honest mechanics.

  • Chace Spillman

    Chace Spillman


    They do amazing work! Fixed my rv, quad and my Jurassic park jeep and all of them run beautifully! Keep it up breaks plus. Super friendly honest staff 🙌🙏

  • Susana Ramirez

    Susana Ramirez


    This place always has my back when it comes to my cars. There's no other place I would trust than these guys. The service is fast and well done. Would highly recommend.

  • Crystal Clark

    Crystal Clark


    Beware ladies, they lie! I went in for my rear rotors machined and pads replaced. They showed me via their computer that rotors worn below (.551) need to be replaced, which meant my rotors needed to be replaced at (.535). A $189 brake job would've cost me $349 plus tax at Brakes Plus. The dealership could machine my rotors because the were (.535) and not (.300), which are their requirements. It's shameful that places like Brake Plus exist. Brake Plus are piranha....thieves without a conscience. I'm responding to every rating company I can find about Brake Plus.....crooks! Take my advice and go elsewhere....they didn't do my brakes, I was one of the lucky ones that got out if there.

  • Cory Medina

    Cory Medina


    Lee and Hector are the best! I've been going to them since I was a teenager. They're the only guys I trust with my mustang.

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