BPM Deejays & Hot Flash Photobooths w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneBPM Deejays & Hot Flash Photobooths



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130, South 18th Street, 15203, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-481-5852
strona internetowej: bpmdeejays.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.427082, Longitude: -79.9808529

komentarze 5




    Excellent Service.

  • wags115



    Kelsey did our Christmas party last night, and she was an absolute sweetheart!!! Thanks so much for a great job and I hope you come back to the Hunters and Fishermans club soon!

  • Don Schrecengost

    Don Schrecengost


    We had Matt as our deejays very professional did a fantastic job will always recommend them they did what was expected he kept the the flow to a tee

  • en

    Rachel Battaglia


    We hired Steve from BPM Deejays as the DJ for our wedding and he was fabulous! He was a great DJ and a very nice person who went out of his way to make sure we were having a good time. I would highly recommend both Steve and BPM Deejays for any event.

  • en

    Leah Goclano


    If you are planning on hiring a DJ for your wedding, your search is over. Matt did such a fantastic job on our wedding day. He makes sure that the interests of the bride and groom are at the forefront of everything he does as the day/night progresses. He personally attends to all of the oratory needs of the proceedings to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that all the guests are aware of important parts of the celebration such as a father/daughter and mother/son dances. From the moment those dances ended the dance floor was open for business and was completely packed until the close of the reception because Matt did such a fantastic job of selecting music and keeping the crowd happy. His experience and skill was very evident and we received many compliments from our guests about how lively and fun-filled the dance floor was. Additionally, our guests were ecstatic about having a photo booth on site and Matt’s assistant did a fabulous job compiling a memory book comprised of the photos and kind messages people were able to write. We cannot recommend Matt and his company highly enough; you absolutely will not regret your decision and owe it to yourself to eliminate one of the stresses of your big day by employing a true professional! Thanks again for everything Matt!

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