BP w Vienna

Stany ZjednoczoneBP



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
8217, Leesburg Pike, 22182, Vienna, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-448-3550
strona internetowej: www.bp.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9165505, Longitude: -77.2290242

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tin Tim


    Service manager was very knowledgeable and friendly. The mechanics were professional. I would recommend this place

  • Charles K

    Charles K


    Went here today to remove a screw and patch my tire on my Tesla and it was $85. I asked if they did anything special and the young mechanic said it was a simple plug patched from the outside and there was no need to remove the tire or patch from the inside. I came back to my office and my co-worker got his Honda tire patched few months ago from the same shop for $20. Different price for different cars. Unethical and dishonest!

  • Trisha Coleman

    Trisha Coleman


    Listed on Google as “free air pump”. They only have free air pressure check and then it’s a dollar to use the pump.

  • Richard Koliser

    Richard Koliser


    I have been using this shop to swap my winter and summer tires for a few seasons, but after my latest experience I cannot recommend this shop for any reason. I brought my car and tires/wheels on Saturday to have my winter tires/wheels put on. After the tires were put on I left the shop and noticed that the tires were much louder then they should have been. I pulled over and inspected the tires, and noticed that the front tires were on correctly but the rear tires where on in the wrong direction (directional snow tires). I went back to the shop and asked the to correct their mistake, in taking off the lug nuts they broke two of my wheel studs. The lead mechanic said he didn't have access to the parts but if I brought the parts he would repair the studs. I found this to be a bit weird considering that they broke my studs, and there was no damage to the studs before hand (the lug nuts came off perfectly fine when they were changing the wheels the first time.) But I tried to be nice and said I would buy the parts. I got the parts Saturday afternoon and brought the car back Monday morning. I was told "I don't know if I'll get to your car today I have other business here." Which again didn't sit well with me since my car was damaged by their mechanics but I trusted that they would make sure to work on it since I could leave it there all day while I was at work. I was never called to inform me the car was ready even though I left my number with them when I dropped the car off, so I called around 4 p.m. to check on the car and I was told that the car was done. I went to pick the car up and I asked the lead mechanic if he had checked the front studs (all four wheels were changed on Saturday but they only removed the lugs from the rear wheels that they installed incorrectly) and I was told that he had checked them and they were tight I would need them replaced too, and I said OK well when do I bring the car back for that and he said he would not fix them because it wasn't possible he broke them. I replied that the lugs came off just fine when they took my summer wheels off, so they were OK then if they aren't now he is the place that last touched them. What happened next was a total shock to me. He again insisted that he couldn't have broken my studs and said "Do not bring your car back here again you are not worth my time." Now I am left needing to repair two more studs which will cost me about $450 dollars. This is completely unacceptable. Please don't be caught in the trap that I was. Avoid this place at all costs.

  • Sean Cunningham

    Sean Cunningham


    I went over here to get my emissions and safety tests done. I had just gotten my car completely taken care of by my dealership in New York, so when he told me that I failed my Safety test because I needed to change my brakes and rotors I was a little confused. I called my dealership to ask if they missed it, and they said that they should be fine unless something seriously changed with the car in the last few weeks. I didn't have the time that day to fix the car, so I declined their offer to fix it for nearly $400. I shopped around for a better price, and was getting either more expensive, or comparable pricing, so I was going to just bite the bullet and get it done with them, being that it seemed like a reasonable price by comparison. However I saw from several online reviews that they said "they say you'll need new rotors and brakes when you don't need them to pass the safety inspection". I went over to another service center and they checked it out and passed me, AND I asked how the brakes and rotors were, and they said they were fine. I won't be going back to this place for anything, not gas, not snacks, nothing. Also the place reeks of cigarettes because one or the guys chainsmokes. It REEKS of cigarettes. Nope.

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