Boulan South Beach i Miami Beach

Forenede StaterBoulan South Beach



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2000, Collins Avenue, 33139, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 305-674-3315
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.795971, Longitude: -80.1294681

kommentar 5

  • Roberto Velez

    Roberto Velez


    Appartment like hotel rooms, with kitchen and multiple bathrooms. perfect for big families, groups or business. The penthouse it's very nice. PH4 has ocean views. It's very nice. The rooftop pool it's very nice too. Service is great, but it might be a little expensive for some people.

  • Rich Harris

    Rich Harris


    Really enjoyed my stay at Boulan South Beach. Awesome location - walking distance to all the hot spots and only 1 block from the beach. The manager, Marvin, took such great care of me. So appreciated the personal service and attention. I will definitely be back!!!!!

  • Navid Tofigh

    Navid Tofigh


    Really nice hotel with massive rooms. It's more of an apartment than a hotel room. We were pleasantly surprised. It's also in one of the best areas of south beach. You can walk to the beach within a couple minutes and to many of the best restaurants and clubs. The staff is really friendly too. Will stay here next time.

  • Deedee Daugherty

    Deedee Daugherty


    This was the most amazing place to stay! The service was amazing, the room was spectacular, and it was close to everything. The beach is only about a block away and they will give you a ride if you need it. The staff went above and beyond. I will stay here again when I visit South Beach. For us there wasn’t anything we could want more in our hotel. I highly recommend this beautiful hotel.

  • Andreas Koch

    Andreas Koch


    Service was friendly, everything was clean. Bathroom is very large. You can reach everything within a short walk. Have been here to party. Perfect location. Umbrella on the beach costs 15$ per day. Pool on the roof top also good (and free).

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