Boudin Bakery i San Francisco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBoudin Bakery



🕗 åbningstider

4, Embarcadero Center, 94111, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 415-362-3330
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.7949475, Longitude: -122.395676

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yolanda Greenhouse


    Purchased a bear sourdough bread, it was hard. When I eventually got to the softer portion it had a good taste to it. Not worth the price.

  • Max Bradley Adams

    Max Bradley Adams


    Some great sourdough. Really good breakfast sandwiches.

  • Carlos Euceda

    Carlos Euceda


    Ordered the clam chowder bowl. Best food ever. A bit of a wait in line but worth it. Good service.

  • April Kee

    April Kee


    Embarcadero location: I wish the employees would eat somewhere else. Not to sound mean but it is annoying. They are loud and don’t really care about the customers. Have some decorum. Food is delicious otherwise and I would have given it more stars if not for the said experience. Thanks.

  • Tasneem Nomanbhai

    Tasneem Nomanbhai


    I'm not a tourist, but I've been here a few times. There are 3 locations right by the water. Their food is good, albeit overpriced. I think soup bowl is a waste because there is very little soup and lots of bread that people end up discarding. Such a waste. However, the bread is delicious. I liked their veggie sandwich the most - so much so the second time around I had them add some turkey to the veggie sandwich and it was perfect. Get a side cup of tomato soup instead - you'll get more for your money.

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