Boston Yacht Haven Inn & Marina w Boston

Stany ZjednoczoneBoston Yacht Haven Inn & Marina



🕗 godziny otwarcia

87, Commercial Wharf, 02110, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-367-5050
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.362024, Longitude: -71.0483708

komentarze 5

  • Heath Storer

    Heath Storer


    Amazing place to stay. Great staff and location. Rooms are clean and very comfortable

  • Jeremy Winston

    Jeremy Winston


    Sitting in the Captain’s Lounge watching planes land at Logan across the harbor in sunrise silhouette with Handel’s Messiah playing on the sound system was sublime, but everything during our stay was perfect. 👍👍

  • Robert Kaye

    Robert Kaye


    What a pleasurable experience. Our room was clean, comfortable, and you can't beat the harbor views! Jack and his staff were amazingly accommodating.. When they found out I was taking my wife to a Celtics game as a surprise for her birthday, we came back to the room to find a personalized birthday card with chocolate dipped strawberries and a gift. I have now found our Boston home away from home.

  • Dana Geren

    Dana Geren


    Home for Christmas! Beautiful. Thank you for the service and keeping the rooms and property so beautiful & welcoming. Truly an escape and a respite from the small spaces of Boston. Generous in size and comfort. Best service, coffee with hot choco and Biscotti.

  • Ryan de Beer

    Ryan de Beer


    Jack, Jack, Cory, Mo, Wesley Rene and the rest of the Boston Yacht Haven team are fantastic! We could not recommend a better location. The team goes out of their way to keep the property clean, warm and welcoming. Thank you for being such gracious hosts during our time in Boston. Always great seeing a team lead from the front!!!

najbliższy Kwatera

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