Bostick Murphy & Co PC in Mount Kisco

Vereinigte StaatenBostick Murphy & Co PC


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113, Smith Avenue, 10549, Mount Kisco, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 914-666-6336
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Latitude: 41.2005229, Longitude: -73.730571

kommentare 1

  • Rosanne Lira

    Rosanne Lira


    I would not give them any stars but you have to to post this. They do not care about the little people or small accounts. They only care if you have money and big accounts. They do not have time to explain anything and when they do its very fast. There office is not organized and can be rude on the phone when talking to people. They talk to you like your stupid and look at you like they are better than you. They take long to call people back so what is the point in returning there calls or even being kind with them. If you are a new client with a new business and make any changes they get angry and do not understand or take into consideration that it is your first business. They do not want to deal with you. Luckily I found a great accountant and won't have to deal with bostick and murphy anymore.

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