Bohemia Autocare en Bohemia

Estados UnidosBohemia Autocare



🕗 horarios

3020, Veterans Highway, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-738-9800
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7880384, Longitude: -73.1405095

comentarios 5

  • Margaret Ashby

    Margaret Ashby


    What can I say?? I just had major work done on my car and the bill came to more than I can afford (since I've been out of work so long). But, I trust Brian, if he says the car needs a repair, then you can trust that it does. They work is done right and done on time. What I like most is that he keeps me informed every step of the way. I would give Bohemia Auto 10 stars if I could. Good people. Really really good people. P.S. Ed is the best too!!!! Thanks guys.

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    Maricel Gotay


    I have taken my car here for oil changes and minor repairs. Very nice people. Brian is always so helpful on phone. Totally recommend this place.

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    Andrew Lukasiewicz


    They are a scam!!!!! I had an oil change done on my Range Rover and 3 weeks later I noticed oil in my driveway. My wife dropped off the Range to make sure the filter wasn't loose. She specifically told them not to complete a dionastic on the truck, she just wanted to make sure the oil change was done correctly and she did not want to be charged. They excepted the truck under those terms. When she went back they would not give here the truck unless she paid $150.00 for looking at the truck. They said they found a leak in the trans cooler line and wanted $650 to fix it or $150 to take the truck back. My wife has gotten a oil change and inspections on 3 of our 6 vehicles over the years at this place and this is how they treated her. I called and spoke with the women in charge and she started out by laughing at the situation when she knew it was about the Range. And stated "I knew you were going to call". I didn't get the joke?!?! As a business owner I found it completely insulting to laugh at a customer that is unhappy with a service. After a painful conversation she said she was not able to give me a refund, but would give us a $150.00 credit towards the next oil change. In my opinion that was not expectable and I am currently in dispute with American Express. She is fighting the depute as I expected from such a trashy place... This $150.00 will cost them thousands as it should! My wife's company is not far from the shop and all 43 employees are aware of their business practices. The 8 people from her company that used them in the past will no longer use them. My 13 employees are also aware and will let all of their friends and family know about this place. Good people run good companies. Hope to see this shop out of business soon. Oh I almost forgot the Trans cooler line cost me $440.00 at another Shop. You have been warned.

  • Amberlyn Brennan

    Amberlyn Brennan


    I wish I didn't even have to give a star and I wish I could post photos as proof on here but since I can't, I'll just explain. I had already known I had a transmission problem so I figured, let me go to them to double check being they're a transmission place. Not only did they call 15 minutes before they closed, (not giving me enough time to get my car) but they left my EXPENSIVE car sitting outside in the parking lot . Already annoyed, today I went to pick it up they charged me $160 and gave me a keychain -_-!! JUST TO LOOK AT MY TRANSMISSION. Not only is that a rip off but they planned to charge me $5,900 for a transmission, ha! I went to Bo's down the block who I recommend completely. They not only offered to work with me on the price and also get the transmission for me not anywhere near the price this place planned to scam me on. I never write reviews but I don't want to see someone else have to go through this thinking they'll be on their side.

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    It's very hard to find trust worthy mechanics. Have been going here for years. They give you every detail about your car and ask you for your permission before doing anything to your car. Everything is written out on paper. Very honest and caring people. Everyone that works there is friendly.

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