Bob's Service Station i Hastings-on-Hudson

Forenede StaterBob's Service Station



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611, Warburton Avenue, 10706, Hastings-on-Hudson, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-478-9741
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9969638, Longitude: -73.8821021

kommentar 5

  • Dan Markham

    Dan Markham


    Been coming to Bob's for 15 years, always happy with the service and Tom (the owner) has helped me out massively on a couple of occasions.

  • en

    Marcelo Castillo


    READ REVIEWS!!!! I took my car for an oil change. When I got it back the side button to move the driver seat was missing, when I ask them about it the owner started to get loud with me and told me to go look for it somewhere else. I used the button 5min before leaving my car there because my wife is smaller than me and I adjust the seat every morning. This is not how you treat your customers and you should take respomsability as a business owner of this kind of incidents, and at least apologize. Dont take your car there. The owner has a very nasty attitude and doenst know anything about winning new customers....or I should just say he just doesnt care. To bad I cant give them 0 stars.

  • Bongwyre2112



    Trump Supporter owner of Bob's service station....(need I say more, ok I will) worst service I've ever had. This guy was nasty, angry, and kept adding extra charges. A job that was suppose to be about 100$ turned into a 400$+ job. Threatened to hold my car until I payed everything, charging me extra for every day my care was there. This guy will apparently do anything to take as much money as possible from you. His work was also sub-par and took extra long. A week long job was there for almost a month. Slow, bad service, nasty owner, pumps up prices without even telling you first. This guy is a rip off in every way shape and form. His other employees can't even look at you in the face after what he does. They were embarrassed. This isn't the first time, this is just the worst.

  • Joshua Winterfield

    Joshua Winterfield


    I hope this guy is a better mechanic than a business man. He seems to be a bit of a chauvinist since he wouldnt shake my wife's hand, but had no problem shaking the hands of the two guys who came in to pick up their car. But the worst was: when my 5 year old son excitedly started telling him what was wrong with out car, Tom walked away telling us he doesn't deal with kids. When he finally came back, he started yelling at my son who hadn't said a word since Tom had stormed off and was quietly standing by my side. A bit later, we came across another family who had a completely similar experience with him in the past and don't use him either.

  • Michael Bazigos

    Michael Bazigos


    I've been using Bob's Service Station for mechanical work for over 10 years. I find Tom, the owner, to be respectful, competent and honest. He will never recommend work that isn't needed (I've cross-checked with other mechanics), and charges a fair price for work performed. My experience is completely in line with an earlier review on this page that highlighted similar attributes, and gave a similar rating. I recommend Bob's Service Station (but really Tom's) to everybody.

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