Bobby Buka MD - Crown Heights Dermatology w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBobby Buka MD - Crown Heights Dermatology



🕗 godziny otwarcia

614, Eastern Parkway, 11225, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-385-3700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6692877, Longitude: -73.948087

komentarze 5

  • Samantha Morales

    Samantha Morales


    This was my first visit and I was a little skeptical because I just went to Google and did a search for Dermatologist in Brooklyn NY. Dr. Bobby Buka has great ratings but I still was not sure. The visit was amazing from the minute we stepped in the door. The front desk receptionist greeted us with a welcoming smile and explained all of the paperwork to be completed. We waited in a nice waiting area and we were seen shortly after completing the paperwork. The Front Desk Staff, Medical Assistants and Office Manager were patient, knowledgeable and very kind. We didn't get treated by Dr. Buka. We were treated by another doctor at the Eastern Parkway location. She was patient, thoughtful and responsive to all of our questions. She developed our trust right away with her "bedside manners" and her knowledge. I will definitely go back and recommend this location to anyone looking for a great Dermatologist location. Thank you.

  • en

    Shemeka Foster


    The staff was friendly and professional. This office in crown heights has a Yoga /Zen theme and it was very serene. I am well pleased with my experience. All questions were answered and I received some great recommendations for sunscreen as I am an African American female.

  • Lesley Logan

    Lesley Logan


    I made a appointment on ZocDoc on Tuesday and I saw Dr. Luke on Thursday, unheard of in NYC where it can take months to see a specialist. Laid back office with friendly staff, wonderfully quirky decor, and a doctor who was smart and young--everything he learned still fresh in his mind. He educated me on what all these spots are about as he expertly froze some off. I highly recommend this office.

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    Marybeth McLeod


    My second visit awesome, very therapeutic environment. The staffs respectful, the wait after you enter the facility perfect. I would definitely recommend.

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    Lionel Lucas


    I was impressed with just one visit. The staff and ambiance were very good. I visited with Katrina the PA, not only was she very professional and also knowledgeable in her field. Everyone was very professional and did their job exceptionally. Would definitely come again and recommended this office to my friends and family.

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