Bob Nachbaur Jr - State Farm Insurance Agent w Suffern

Stany ZjednoczoneBob Nachbaur Jr - State Farm Insurance Agent



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99, Orange Avenue, 10901, Suffern, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-357-8277
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.116371, Longitude: -74.15482

komentarze 5

  • Kristina Lopez

    Kristina Lopez


    I have received nothing but great service from Bob Nachbaur and his team at his office. Whenever I have needed information or had a question they have gone above and beyond to get me the answers I need and/or the help I need. I rarely write reviews but, I do like to give praise when it is due, and they do deserve it. I have recommend them to friends and family looking for insurance and will continue to be with them for a long time.

  • en

    Marsha Fixler


    Great personal service. Very pleased to have Bob Nachbauer as my State Farm Insurance agent. Always takes time to service his clients in the best possible way.

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    Frank Proscia


    Great people in the office starting with bob and going right down the line seem to go out of their way to make sure you're comfortable doing business with State Farm

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    Michelle Schaffner


    I have been with State Farm for a couple years now. I have never worked with a team like Bob's! He and his staff are always willing to help or fix a problem should it arise. Based on my experience with him, he sets the bar pretty high and I don't think I will ever find a team like his! I am very happy with my insurance and my experience with Bob Nachbaur and his team and I don't foresee my going elsewhere!

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    Jennifer Keorasmey


    I was looking to lower my monthly car insurance bill and possibly refinance my car loan. I emailed Bob my concerns and he understood that my work schedule prevented me from stopping by the office. I was able to come in for just 10 minutes to meet with Bob and discuss my current payments and he took the time to explain the best options. He really took care of my situation and was able to get me better deals without me having to do anything. He was great with following up and keeping communication. Now I trust Statefarm even more and would definitely recommend.

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