BMW of Tenafly w Tenafly

Stany ZjednoczoneBMW of Tenafly



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301, County Road, 07670, Tenafly, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-351-2900
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9345655, Longitude: -73.9577142

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lawrence Friedlander


    If you want a pleasant experience while buying a car go to BMW of Tenafly and ask for Ernesto Motta. I have bought or leased three cars from him and every time he worked hard to get me into the car I wanted. He listens, he is patient and he seems to enjoy the interaction with his customers. When I picked up my latest, a 6 series, he cleaned out the trunk of my old car and moved everything into the new while I was learning from the "genius" about all the great features of my new car. Ernesto is always trying to make buying a new car a pleasure and he succeeds. I am impressed with the staff at BMW of Tenafly. They have always been polite, patient and focused on doing a good job from the finance guys to the gentleman who drove me home when I needed a ride. Thanks Ernest and everyone else.

  • Mr.Complex Explanation

    Mr.Complex Explanation


    I actually went to just see and compare the cars. Not only did I find the car I was looking for, I worked with one of the better sales person I've ever dealt with. Scott Marlowe was amazing, he helped me in every step , from finding the perfect car to explain every step to get that perfect car. I am going again for finalizing, and I am quite sure I will be welcomed with the same warmth and hospitality. Great Experience. Highly recommended..

  • en



    I have been lease plenty of cars before with different car dealers and I never had such a bad experience. I lease a car from BMW of Tenafly 335xi for three years 36 months. When the time came in order me to turn the car back I made an appointment and they inspect the car and they didn’t found anything wrong with the car. The name who inspect the car was Alex very experienced guy who works for them I think three years. When they gave me the paper work to sign I told them that the car has a crack of 4 inches on the rear bumper that they never saw. Then they took closer look and they told me we going to hire Independent person to get a quote how much the damage will cost. By the way I paid from my pocket $1300 for wear and tear lease protection bumper to bumper. They send me the quote for $ 850 for tear bumper. I thought I have lease protection and will cover the cost. After 3 weeks I receive a letter from BMW finance that I own them $400. I call them and they told me to call the Tenafly BMW and resolve the problem with them. I call them and I spoke to the manager Mr. Jason and he told me to come to the dealer and go through the bills. I went and I saw him and in the end he told me that the lease protection doesn’t cover cracks of. 4 inches and unfortunately I have to pay the discount price of $400. My question is why I pay $1300 for lease protection that doesn’t cover me and second they never saw the crack but I was honest to tell them. Very bad customer service. Not professional at all. Conclusion never lease BMW unless you want to go through like I went. If was no star for my review I will give them. Not again.

  • ru

    Stanislav Khegay


    Заехали сегодня с моей семьёй в этот БМВ дилер. Приехал и припарковал машину возле центрального входа. Когда мы зашли шоу рум авто, там возможно было не более , чем 2-3 клиентов, но несмотря на это никто с нами не поздоровался не говоря уже о том, что и никто не подошёл. У меня возник вопрос для «них». Что было причиной? Мой авто (Тойота камри)или что? Сразу было видно, никто не был заинтересован нас обслуживать. Ребята такие «умные» все там, что сразу поняли, что мы ничего не купим. Уверен, что я сам зарабатываю больше, чем некоторые менеджеры работающие там. Разочарован конечно этим, так как, хотел сделать выбор между BMW X6 and Audi Q7 для руководства этой дилерской, я бы по рекомендовал провести семинар по качественному обслуживанию клиентов и неважно на какой машине приезжает покупатель, так как вы не можете оценивать клиента по его машине.

  • en

    Lillian Mallory


    I had a very wonderful purchasing experience at BMW of Tenafly. Alex and Landon showed me superb customer service. The fact that I was able to make an out of state purchase with absolutely no complications at all says a lot for the service level and expertise of this dealership. Everything was prepared prior to my arrival including my car being pulled right to the front door of the dealership, to get me in and out as quickly as possible. We had discussed all of my questions and concerns throughout the week prior to my arrival. There were no surprises and everything was exactly as we had previously discussed. I would highly recommend this dealership to anyone that is looking to purchase a BMW in the near future. The 4 hour drive from Maryland was time WELL SPENT!!! If I had the option I would do it all over again. One of the BEST car buying experiences that I have ever had!!!

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