BMW of Brooklyn w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBMW of Brooklyn



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6223, 2nd Avenue, 11220, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-208-4742
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6418351, Longitude: -74.0241426

komentarze 5

  • en

    Angela Holmes


    Neil Garoogian is the MAN! Legit - best customer service we have ever had! We were finished with our BMW lease and were sad to not have Neil overseeing our services into our next Volvo. Thank you for making having a car in BK much easier and for making our services delightful.

  • en

    Fari Gutierrez


    I had a pretty decent experience. Wait times weren't bad. Advisor was quick and courteous. The only thing I was a bit upset with was when I left the facility, I noticed one of my rims was scratched. Lighting is limited in the area they return , I didn't notice till I left. If it wasn't for tht my visit would have been awesome.

  • Dana Wells

    Dana Wells


    Neil my service guy is one of a kind. Very patient and friendly. He makes sure my experience is effortless on my part and convenient for me. I use to drive all the way to NJ for service. However since Neil is around I stay in Brooklyn and service has been outstanding so far. See Neil.

  • en

    William Pierre


    I have no problem giving this Service Center 5 Stars. The representative that I always work with is Issac Rubio. This guy is the absolute best so I make sure that he is the only one I deal with. I personally believe that he is an honest guy and always does his best to take care of me. The best thing about him is that he doesn’t just think about my car, he also thinks about my pockets. Owning a BMW is not cheap so this is very important to me.

  • Eric Chan

    Eric Chan


    Very surprised with the service provided here. The lounge is big, comfortable, and have complimentary coffee/tea/water. I worked with Danny, and he was great. He is very knowledgeable and answered all my concerns (since my warranty was running out). He explained the different options available to help me decide on what I should do when my warranty expires. I would definitely find Danny again for my next appointment here.

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