BLVD Wine Bar w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBLVD Wine Bar



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4720, Center Boulevard, 11109, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-440-8520
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.746134, Longitude: -73.9569887

komentarze 5

  • Jen Remauro

    Jen Remauro


    I wish I could say something amazing about this place but I can only say that one of the bartenders smiled. So there is a good thing. My date and I got there at 2:50pm and brunch ended at 3pm. No biggie. We stood for a glass of wine. Mind you no one was ordering now because brunch was Iver and two women were behind the bar. We sat there for 15 min until she brought over a wine menu and that is only because my date went and asked for one. Then it took her 15 min to come back. The Riesling was disgusting. It tasted like cheap dry Pinot Grigio. When he asked if she was sure she gave us Riesling she said yes, showed the bottle and said it's the only one they had. We even told her it tasted bad but nothing was offered like maybe a different wine. We paid the bill at the bar and left because if we waited at our table I'd probably be writing this from there because I'd STILL be waiting for the bill. Sad because it's a cute place.

  • es

    Hector Miguel Quailey Canario


    Muy Cool!!! Buena selección de vinos.

  • en

    Christian M.


    Awesome brunch place. Great food and bottomless Mimosas.

  • en

    Andre Shields


    Loved this place! Went for oyster happy hour. Oysters were standard and 1 dollar during happy hour. Wine was a great value. The rest of the menu was good as well. What stood out here was the bar staff. Kind, friendly, patient, informed and dedicated to make sure you enjoy your drink by having a convo before hand. Definitely will be back here!

  • en

    josh erwing


    What a fantastic staff!! Michael and Eileen are superstars and always know how to make everyone feel welcome. It means so much to have amazingly friendly people that offer great service in New York City. Being from out of state the area can be overwhelming; but I can attest to the great and familiar atmosphere at BLVD. I would recommend anyone to try this unique spot!!

najbliższy Bar

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