Bluestone Commons w Maybrook

Stany ZjednoczoneBluestone Commons


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

103, Schimpf Court, 12543, Maybrook, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-427-7444
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4871283, Longitude: -74.2172026

komentarze 5

  • en

    David P


    Horrible Start Up of Bluestone Commons. First of all they promised a move in date of August 15 my parents could not move in the site until September 15, 2017. There was no communication with the residents waiting to move in and if you called or sent message you basically received an insensitive response. Now they moved in and the appliances did not work (Microwave, Dishwasher and heating system). We asked prior to September 15 that they are verified and was told they worked only to find out they were not operational. Now we cannot even get cable because the site cannot even go onto the Spectrum site for 40 seconds and grant access for the cable company to have access to the building. WE have ben requesting for weeks and nothing. Beware that if this is how they start up a site how can you trust their ability to treat the elderly/retirees that are depending on the services. BEWARE before renting there. HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE Service.

  • Alcides Blanco

    Alcides Blanco



  • en

    Alaine Major


    Terrific staff; beautiful apartment; quiet and I have great neighbors. My only comment is that people who live on the second floor need to be considerate and respectful of those living in apartment below them on the first floor.

  • John Rod

    John Rod


    Beautiful new community, quiet neighborhood, lots of amenities, on-site staff, great neighbors

  • Carolyn Walton

    Carolyn Walton


    Beautiful and spacious apartments. Clean and peaceful complex.

najbliższy Kwatera

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