Blu Pointe w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneBlu Pointe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

120, Front Street, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-568-0100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5051892, Longitude: -74.0049734

komentarze 5

  • en



    Seated quickly, very friendly & serene environment. Beautiful presentation of unbelievably delicious food. Their seafood IS FRESH!! GREAT view right on the water. You will probably not finish all your food but I recommend to save room for their Creme' Brulee!! I've been several times & NEVER disappointed.

  • Kyria Stephens

    Kyria Stephens


    I went here for the first time for Sunday Brunch. It was amazing. The restaurant was beautiful, the view inside and out is wonderful. Very luxurious feel to the place. The food and service was excellent. My sister dropped 140 dollars behind her chair and the server found it and returned it right away. Some of the breakfast items took me back to my childhood, while other appealed to my more snooty adult side. I really enjoyed the selection. I will be returning for my anniversary.

  • en

    mike ciriello


    16 of us went to Blu Pointe for a business dinner meeting. The wait service staff were professional, friendly and attentive. The menu and specials provide a diverse opportunity to meet any persons' palate. Ordered the Salmon, food came out quickly and was hot and delicious. Highly recommend.

  • alex dougan

    alex dougan



  • en

    Karina Toro


    My family and I had an amazing experience at this restaurant. We are new to Orange County so finding hidden gems is always great. We received outstanding service and every dish we ordered from appetizers to main course entrees was exquisite. The attention to detail and the flavors in every dish will definitely have us as returning patrons. Our entire team of servers did a great job at paying close attention to little details like upcoming birthdays, making sure our family members with birthdays were the highlight and even did a great job with the kids in our party. All in all they hit it right out of the ball park for us.

najbliższy Bar

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