Bliss Drugs Inc i New York

Forenede StaterBliss Drugs Inc



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47-01, Queens Boulevard, 11104, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-482-8900
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7434079, Longitude: -73.9173819

kommentar 5

  • en

    Izabella Yakubov


    By far one of the best customer service experiences I have had at a pharmacy. Staff is very attentive and courteous, offering assistance with finding what I need and offering advice on the best product to choose. Never have to wait long for my prescription to be filled, and the pharmacist is very knowledgeable in dealing with issues I may have with my insurance. I always get treated with respect and curtesy, not like just another patient as with CVS or a big pharmacy! Nice to have such a friendly business in the neighborhood!

  • Pen M.

    Pen M.


    Just wanna add that bliss affords my family with the best products at affordable prices, and there staff is awesome 😃

  • en

    Diana Fakhlayeva


    The pharmacy and staff are great. I have been a loyal customer since they opened. They are quick, efficient and knowledgeable. Any negative comments or remarks toward them are false and are made up by people who are jealous of them.

  • Dead Turtle

    Dead Turtle


    Very friendly and helpful staff. I walked in, the place was full, and one of the employees still addressed me right away without hesitation to offer help. 10/10 will shop again.

  • en

    A Rahman


    This pharmacy is pretty new, the people here are very nice. They have good customer service. They Always give me a phone call when I need to pick up prescriptions.

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