Blink In The Hub w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBlink In The Hub



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570, Melrose Avenue, 10455, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-338-6459
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8168552, Longitude: -73.9171685

komentarze 5

  • Derreck Cruz

    Derreck Cruz


    This blink far exceeds many blinks on different aspects. I've been to blinks in Brooklyn and they don't compare to this one. "The Hub" has a great amount of weight machines and benches. It has 2 leg press machines and about 4 squat racks. The weights go up to a nice 90lbs. This blink may seem small but it has more than most blinks in the city. It is also very clean all the time and even on busy hours, there are many available units.

  • R López

    R López


    is good but is relly annoying ,,why they have the Air conditioner on when is cool is relly imposible to sweet they should keep it off please and they should keep open more late 24 hours should be perfec,,please turn off the AC

  • Rhonda Donkor

    Rhonda Donkor


    Place is clean clean clean clean clean! Love it because I am a germaphobe. Also, the staff is very helpful because it's my first time going to the gym and using the equipment.

  • en

    my name


    Great place to work very nice vibe and energy employees great you as soon as you walk in 2 floor compartment so there is a varieties of machines you can chose from best of all it’s a new gym located in the heart of 149th 3av

  • Ed García Conde

    Ed García Conde


    Super excited that this Blink finally opened up. Although this is the THIRD Blink Fitness in the Melrose neighborhood of the Bronx, this one is by far the nicest of all of them perhaps even in all of The Bronx. The space is HUGE located on two floors of the old Sachs building with loft feel to it, tall ceilings and tons of natural light through the big windows all around. Of course all the equipment is nice since it's new but blink generally pretty much takes excellent care of their facilities and I'm sure this one will be no different. The staff is super friendly and I was surprised at how many people were already using the facility on opening day today. Definitely worth the low membership fee and conveniently located 1 block (practically on top) of the 2 and 5 subway at 3rd Ave and 149th Street.

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