Blauvelt Auto Spa w Blauvelt

Stany ZjednoczoneBlauvelt Auto Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

585, New York 303, 10913, Blauvelt, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-365-1200
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0648858, Longitude: -73.9490121

komentarze 5

  • Marie Pecora

    Marie Pecora


    DO NOT GO HERE! I would give them zero but not an option. Brought them my black, garaged car that is maintained by me had not one scratch or swirl. Came out completely swirled and marred then they blamed me. I only went because car was covered in mud and too cold to turn on the hose at home. They use dirty wool mitts, lied about using two buckets, lied about using foam. Place did not have a single other car there which should have made me run far and fast. Both "owners" were nasty asking me what did I expect? Do not bring your car here unless you want it damaged and then blamed on you. They have no clue what they are doing when it comes to proper wash technique.

  • Blesson Mathew

    Blesson Mathew


    Had a great experience, did the job I asked which was a basic hand wash. Has a good turn around time for being a place that washes by hand. Not many hand wash spots in the area so I would recommend it.

  • en

    Teppei Iharada


    Should’ve listened to the other reviews. This place is horrible!!! Came here because I hit a patch of dirt/tar and asked him to remove it. He washed my car took my money and when I went home the car is still dirty. Brake dust everywhere, probably about 20 spots they missed and dirt/ tar still there by the wheel well. After bringing back he tells me it’s cost another $150 to get it removed. I’ve always gotten my car hand washed in either Ridgewood and Waldwick and never had a problem or they tell you ahead of time of things can be removed not after they take your money. Now I see why you see high end cars in Waldwick and Ridgewood. Plus this place is way overpriced.

  • en

    Mirna Rodriguez


    Oh wow, one word: AWSOME

  • en

    Lewis Pommells


    Good car wash, bought a car whilst up in NY and took it to this place as we drove by on the way. Very thorough,. Happy customer!

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