Blackman Plumbing Supply w Huntington Station

Stany ZjednoczoneBlackman Plumbing Supply



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240, Broadway, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-271-0500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8559572, Longitude: -73.4018048

komentarze 5

  • en

    Johnny Yu


    I only rated this 4 stars because of Jerry Egan. He literally was the only person that acknowledged my wife and I. The other 3 women would look us in the eye and just look away. Jerry was patient with us and we ended up buying everything for 3 bathrooms with Blackman.

  • en

    Linda Smith


    Fast, knowledgeable, and pleasant service. Quality products.

  • en

    Shaina Grzeczka


    Julian has been unbelievable throughout my renovation process. He has gone above and beyond to make sure everything was perfect!

  • en

    Shahbaz Chaudhary


    The worse place ever. Stay away from this company. They screwed up my order multiple times. Promised 10-12 weeks delivery for a special order sink and its been 17 weeks and I still do not have the sink. I am suppose to get delivery today. I took off from work. I am waiting since the morning and no one is giving me an update on delivery time!! I spent over $10,000 at this place and this is the kind of service I get. And this is not the only order that was delayed. I had another order that was delayed by 2 months and after I went to the show room to cancel it..they found the order and said they have the parts. Ridiculous!

  • en

    Anthony Alfano


    My wife and I spent the better part of two hours working with Jerry Egan on redesigning our bathroom. Great experience as he listened to our desires and concerns and helped navigate us through potential issues we had not addressed. Could not have asked for a better initial visit and will be working with the Blackman team going forward. As Jerry says, "it will be grand".

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